Sat, Sep 29 2012
Raspberry Pi

The board

Today I picked up a Raspberry Pi Model B. They sell for 35$ plus taxes, shipping, customs and exchange rates and most people say they paid around 47$ when it was all set and done. Current wait times are about 4 weeks before they can be shipped out due to high demand and low(ish) production. I found a seller on Kijiji for 50$ and available for pick-up immediately. I didn’t mind to pay the 3$ extra. I plan on turning the Raspi into my main media centre PC, to replace my Macbook (which is replacing my  ~5 year old windows desktop that likes to blue screen whenever it pleases). I have my Macbook running XBMC and it works perfectly, but I feel bad having it run such a mundane task when it is capable of so much more. So if this project completes as expected my Macbook can replace my desktop as my main machine and leave the Raspi permanently hooked up to the living room TV with its sole purpose being to stream content from various sources and controllable from the sofa with XBMC.

Cost to date: 50$